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Add-on: Bellow
Replacement Service
Marquee HD mods must be ordered at the same time as
the bellow replacement service.
Includes the high performance bellow, glycol,
labour, and return shipping.
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Service is performed in the USA.
We are proud to offer these special Marquee HD mods for you to bring
your Marquee CRT projector (or clone) back up to spec and offer even
greater performance.
These upgrades are offered for the Marquee series of CRT projectors
and clones. These machines are 10-14+ years old now so some preventative
maintenance will insure continued reliable operation. If your machine is an
un-touched (unmodified) original you will also see a performance increase from this upgrade:
10-20% resolution increase for Blu-ray, better colours, and less
This is a recommended and approved service.
Which projectors are included with this service?
The following Electrohome Marquee CRT projectors and clones are
covered under this service:
Marquee 8000, 8110, 8110+, 8500, 8500LC, 8500LC Ultra, 9000,
9500LC, 9500LC Ultra
Accurate Imaging Technologies Accurate 8, 9, XL
Accurate Imaging Technologies Integrated 8
Accurate Imaging Technologies Modular 8,9
Accurate Imaging Technologies Ultimate 8-X, 9-X
Crystal View CV-1, CV-2, CV-3
GTT Audio Video HT Reference 8, 9
Madrigal MP-8, MP-9
Reference Imaging CinePro 8x, 9x, 9x Elite
Spatz Tech RE8000, RE9000, RE9500
Theater Automation Wow (TAW) HD-800, HD-900
Vidikron Vision 1, 2, 3
Visual Dynamics Reference 8/9
Which boards are modified?
The following critical boards are modified:
- Convergence
- Stigmator Amp
- Vertical Deflection
- Horizontal Deflection
- Focus Module
- All 3 video neck boards
There is approximately 10 hours of labour involved. It is slow, precision
work requiring extensive before and after testing.
What improvements will the Marquee HD mods offer?
This modification brings the following improvements to your Marquee
- Sharper focus
- Reduction in video streaking/smearing
- Increased colour saturation/more accurate colours
- Increased convergence stability (less drifting)
- Lower running temperatures for improved
reliability and longer life span
If your trusty Marquee is drifting a little bit and requires regular
touch-ups (even after warm-up), then it's likely there's some tired parts on
that 10+ year old projector. An improperly running projector will have more
problems over the long run. Just like changing your oil, certain parts should be
replaced in your Marquee projector to ensure a long, trouble free life span.
On our test bench we've now seen many times now how a stock machine has
very poor spot-size capability: Test pattern grid lines are simply too fat. After
the modifications the focusing and spot size are much better. We would go as far
as to say that an original 10+ year old Marquee fed a native Blu-Ray HD signal is
losing at least 10-20% of the picture quality and resolution without these
Marquee HD mods.
Below are pictures of some of the boards that are modified. Not all boards
are shown.
Horizontal deflection board: 
Convergence board:

Stigmator Amp and Vertical Deflection boards:

Video RGB neck boards (x3):

How long does it take to have my boards modified?
Typical turn around after the boards are received is usually 2 weeks assuming
multiple orders aren't all received at the same time. There
is approximately 10 hours of labour involved. It is slow, precision work
requiring extensive before and after testing.
Contact DraganM with any questions.
Do the boards
have to be in working condition?
Do you
fix boards? All boards must be in
working condition. This is not a repair service. The boards will be
tested both before and after the modifications. If your boards are defective
(your projector does not power up) you will need to contact Curt Palme (
first to have the boards repaired. Curt can repair your
boards. He does not offer this Marquee HD mods service.
How do I remove and package my boards for mailing? How do I re-install the
These modifications requires some very basic ability to follow instructions and remove/re-install your boards.
See this document for detailed instructions with pictures:
Marquee Board Removal and Re-Installation (500Kb PDF file).
What is the High
Performance Bellow Replacement service you offer?
This service is for people who do not want to undertake replacing tube
bellows themselves. For complete information on what bellows are and when/why
they should be replaced see the Marquee High
Performance Bellows order page.
How do I know if I need this done to my Marquee?
Generally speaking, after 10 years (check the date on the sticker next to the
power cord) they all need it but here's a simple test:
On a 16:9 widescreen projection turn on your video source at 1080i or 720p for a
Marquee 8110/8500 or 1080p for a Marquee 9500. Now pull up the jail-bar (pluge)
video test pattern by pushing the # button a few times on the remote. Look at the squares in
the center of the screen. If your set-up is done well you should clearly see
scan lines at both 1080i and 720p on an 8110/8500 and at 1080p on a 9500. If not, then
your machine is probably running out of spec and will benefit greatly from the
I already have the Mike Parker video chain upgrade done, do I still need this
modification done?
YES, even more so than a stock machine. A hot-rodded video chain is only good
as the deflection and focus circuitry it relies on to control the electron beam
and "paint" the raster on the tube face. By upgrading the video chain and
ignoring the rest the machine (weakest link), you place even more strain on an
already tired projector. Note: If you have the MP mods then I do NOT need the 3
neck-boards and you will be refunded $50 after payment and you do not need to
send in your 3 neck-boards.
My projector has problems currently, every once in a while it shuts down.
Will this service fix my machine?
No. This type of problem is usually caused by a fault in the low or high
voltage power supplies, or possibly by a leaking high voltage wire. If you hear
an occasional SNAP inside your projector and the set shuts down you need to repair this
ASAP. Contact DraganM for instructions and do NOT run the machine in this condition.
My marquee has very high hours on it. Are the mods worth it? Are they any other mods that need to
be done?
The service listed above is most definitely needed for high hour machines. In
addition, if
you have over 15,000 hours on your machine you may benefit from some
modifications to your Control Module (CLM) as well. Contact
DraganM for more information and pricing. If you have a high hour machine
that is unable to maintain sync at higher frequencies (ie: you are able to
display 480p but are unable to display 720p or higher for any length of
time) then this extra service is for you.
"Hi Dragan, I received them on Friday and installed them back right away.
The picture looks very good. Contrast is much better and 1080P black
looks close to when I set it up at 960 x 1440. No more black tinted with slight
gray tone. I don't know why but I think color saturation has also improved.
Now I see excellent color depth and tone. I also think the resolution has
increased a lot when watching movies, though I can't verify it on my
computer screen (I am using an HTPC). Thanks for your excellent work! I think
it's worth every penny and I recommend it to any marquee owner." -
"It's been mentioned many times on the AVS forums that you simply cannot
get 1080P on a Marquee 8500 but since the projector now has 44,000 hours and
getting on in age, at least I can get it rebuilt and enjoy what the projector is
capable of doing. I purchased Cox HD cable service and a Samsung 1400 Blu-Ray
player and set both for 1080i. Stunningly beautiful picture. Along with a new
Moome HD internal card with Gamma Correction this setup up blew away my old Home
Theater computer in all ways I can think of. Clearer, brighter, vivid, 3D. I was
really happy with my home theater but was a little frustrated that I paid for a
1080p Blu-Ray player but was not able to enjoy 1080p. I believe this is one of
the reasons why the projector fan base is fading in the last year. So, I called
Dragan and we discussed doing these projector upgrades. I agree'd to have him
upgrade every board in the projector. A short few weeks later I got all my
boards back and put it all back together. First thing I did notice was his
superb packaging. No doubt that when he ships something it will arrive safely.
Definitely saving this packaging to re-use someday. Examining the boards, I must
say, really good solder work. Very clean and professional. It's amazing how many
capacitors and resistors he replaced. Glad I didn't have to do it. WOW, You
know how you can't see anything can be better until you see it. This is
definitely the case here. Originally I didn't think my projected image could be
bettered. These upgrades didn't just improve the image quality 20%, I would
say it was 200 to 300%! It's a funny thing about percentages, 100% means its
double the amount. Well, I have to say, being a subjective thing, my image
quality is 3 to 4 times greater in clarity, resolution, and vividness. Now I can
truly say my picture is 3D. It's like I got an entire new projector.
Convergence is rock solid, test patterns are razor sharp. Spot size is exact.
Scan lines are easily seen. Before, I could not see scan lines at 1080i easily.
Dragan from the beginning advised me that something was wrong. The boards were
getting old and I should be able to see scan lines easily at 1080i. After the
upgrades, not only was scan lines at 1080i are easily seen but also at 960p. But
that is not the biggest news. My projector does 1080p !!!! No, I do not
see scan lines very easily at 1080p. They are there, but hard to see. But! Doing
an A/B back and forth between 1080i and 1080P on my Blu-Ray player is an amazing
difference. The picture is so much more sharper. Now we are strictly
watching all movies in 1080P. Now of course, when we have guests over to watch a
movie they are properly amazed. Even those snooty un-educated 1080p LCD owners
are impressed. Where before they only focused on picture sharpness and turn
their noses up at the "softer" image of a CRT projector. I can't say enough
how happy I am with these upgrades. Highly recommended. Here is a
link to my project website with Pics of the earlier stages of my home
theater." - StylinLP
"Here are my impressions after installing the Dragan HD Marquee
modifications (6/24/09): I have a 1996 Electrohome 9500LC, currently at 4000 hrs
on original tubes with Mike Parker ‘Micron’ mods (-03VIM & NB’s) installed in
January 2009. For a while, I have been considering Dragan’s Marquee HD board
modifications mostly from a reliability and stability standpoint for my aging
Marquee. I was not really looking for further PQ improvement, as I have been
very pleased with the image quality from MP’s latest mods. However this month, I
had Dragan go ahead and update the deflection, focus, Stig, and convergence
circuitry (5-boards). Upon re-installation, I was presented with a noticeable
sharper focus and more 3-dimensionality, better resolution of detail in both the
foreground and background, and silky smooth images with reduced noise in the
picture overall. Furthermore, the picture seems more transparent, like a thin
layer of film was removed when looking through a glass window. Blacks seem
blacker, shadow detail more defined and color saturation more intense. This
is all discernible with scaled video, but when viewing a native HD source
these improvements really standout. It’s funny many of the same improvements
I noted after installing the MP mods have been further enhanced upon with Dragan
updates. So, in terms of value, it’s a winner for the improvements
yielded in picture quality, and the rear heatsink definitely runs cooler after
the upgrades to the boards, another good benefit. I highly recommend Dragan’s
Marquee HD modifications, his soldering work is top notch and his turn-around
time was excellent, I had the boards back in the projector in less than a
week. Once installed, only a minor touch-up of convergence and greyscale
tracking was required." - Mike in CA
"Ever since your maintenance work my 9500LC is working very solidly and
trouble free, and the picture quality is just amazing ... Nowadays, I am
watching more Blu-ray movies than ever before! Thanks for your help in achieving
higher performance in home theater setup." - Steve
"At last my theater is close to completion. The picture looks great.
I did a full set up over the weekend ... I got great results ... the color
looked great. Thanks for all your help, I feel that I am an actual CRT tech
all over again. Interesting comparison to a digital projector (older Sony LCoS
unit that was suppose to be pretty good for its day did not even hold a candle
to the CRT).
Very happy with the results." - Stephen (Vidikron Vision 1 owner with
full HD mods and CLM rebuild)
Need more information? See the official 'Marquee HD Mods by DraganM' thread in our forum.
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